Application of Digitalization in Teaching – 8th May

The CIB Early Career Network and Student Chapters have a programme of events scheduled for 2024.

CIB is hosting a seminar on the Application of Digitalization in Teaching on the 8th May at 10:00 GMT+3.

10:00 Introduction and Welcome by Dr. Sina Moradi
10:05The Role of AI and Particularly Educational Chatbots as Means of Facilitating Learning
Associate Professor Kirsi Aaltonen
10:25Competences in digital construction technologies – MSc. Taija Puolitaival

The seminar is open to all members of the ECR network, CIB student chapters and anyone considering establishing a student chapter.

If you aren’t already a member of the CIB ECR network you can join here, and it’s free of charge. Learn more about the CIB Student chapters here.