CIB Meeting Updates September 21

CIB Meeting Updates September 21

Membership and Communications Committee
The latest meeting of this committee was on September 21st and chaired as usual by Ron Wakefield of RMIT University in Melbourne. The Committee was particularly pleased to see the NEW introductory corporate brochure and the new website, and encouraged all members and Commissions to take a look and to start sending regular updates on their work so that the website can reflect all the positive energy and activity in the CIB network at the moment.

The Committee has convened a subcommittee to scope the second phase of our web development, anyone who would like to be involved in this group should contact the secretariat, the first meeting will be in October.

The Committee was also pleased to see that its series of “CIB in Conversation” videos has now had two pilots which are available on our CIB YouTube channel. These feature the secretariat’s Don Ward and Michael Behm. Next up will be CIB President Keith Hampson in mid October!

The other substantive discussion in the meeting was about the World Building Congress 2022, for which our planning includes a hybrid of face-to-face sessions and online sessions for those who cannot travel. The next step will be a first meeting of the Scientific Committee, which all CIB Coordinators have been invited to join. Commissions are invited to confirm that they will plan a programme of activity at the Congress. A reminder of the dates: June 27-30 in Melbourne, see our website for more details.

Administrative Committee
This Committee is chaired by the CIB Treasurer Peter Paul van ‘t Veen and met on September 21st. Its main business was to deal with outstanding matters associated with the 2019 annual accounts, which have now been signed off and a very positive report received from the Committee of Examination, to whom we are most grateful for their diligence. A report on these matters will be circulated after the Board meeting in October, as promised at the General Assembly in June. The other major business was to finalise the budget for 2021 to be considered by the Board in October. The good news is that for the fifth year in a row we propose no increase in subscriptions, and 35,000 euros is budgeted for special activities as proposed by the Student Chapters Committee and Programme Committee. With more services and activity coming on stream, including a programme of work for Early Career Researchers, a new publishing strategy for conference proceedings, and the CIB in Conversation videos, we believe that CIB membership will be the best value it has ever been.